Thursday, February 4, 2010

few tips on MSpowerpoint

OK, I've seen enough presentation, and most of them were not properly presented, especially the slides. So now, I would like to share some tips to make a good slides:

  1. If possible, don't put in too much words!! Banyak orang suka penuhkan slides mereka dengan words, yang kebanyakannya tak penting pown. Kalau hendak isi juga, please highlight important words, so that the viewers can quickly understand what you're trying to say,even without reading the whole slides.
  2. Nak guna software yang ganas2? Silakan. Tapi sebelum itu sila pastikan anda betul-betul sudah masak dengan software itu-it's happened to me before...XD
  3. Gambar? Jangan penuhkan slides anda dengan gambar yang sangat melampau banyaknya. Avoid filling the background with picture, because it'll affect your words on the slides. Try to edit the picture before you put it in your slides. Most of the time, the pic will be too bright, or too dark, makes the viewers barely see your writing.
  4. Kalau rasa ada banyak kawasan-kawasan kosong di slide anda, isi dengan gambar. But don't ever placed the picture closed to the words. This'll avoid distraction when the viewers read them.
  5. If you have a big diagram, put it in another slide. Don't shrink it!!
So, happy presenting. Hopefully my advice'll benefits you in many ways. This may sound unpractical for certain presentation, but you can use your creativity to make it more interesting.

Mungkin ada sesetengah orang yang tidak bersetuju, tapi inilah cara yang paling baik untuk attract attention orang. Banyak presentation yang main buat camtue jer. At least think for your audience. No offence, but sakit mata aku tengok orang yang buat slides dengan background yang terang. Fikir logik sikit. Orang tengok presentation anda di projector, bukan di komputer anda. Mungkin bagi anda, slide itu sudah cukup lawa/menarik, tapi cuba fikir balik kalau and project slide itu. Most projectors, especially the one that's used in colleges, does not support high resolution output. And also, some of them may have a problem with brightness contrasts ratio. So, think in low-res. Be smart!!

Best of luck
syafiq abdullah

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