Saturday, July 31, 2010

Last post for July – The Host

     Body my house
     my horse my hound
     what will I do
     when you are fallen
     where will I sleep
     How will I ride
     What will I hunt

    Where can I go
     without my mount
     all eager and quick
     how will I know
     in thickest ahead
     is danger or treasure
     When Body my good
     bright dog is dead
     How will it be
     to lie in the sky
     without roof or door
     and wind for an eye
     with cloud for a shift
     how will I hide?
                                                                        May Swenson 
Buku nie aku beli dengan harapan nak baca time cuti panjang tahun lepas, tapi tak habis-habis lagi baca. Baru semalam habis baca... da 8 bulan da... Bukan sebab aper, just busy, maklumlah da start sem yang busy. Anyway, citer nie memang best, walaupun agak bosan pada pertengahan cerita.
Jangan risau, part nak dekat last2 memang best!! x taw pulak cerita nie sangat romantik.. haha.. mula2 ingat mcm cerita biasa jer, tapi serious romantic... mungkin apa yang menyebabkan cerita nie best adalah gaya penulisan Stephenie Meyer.... saper yang tak kenal dia, penulis The Twilight Saga.. Ada jugak rumor di internet yang cerita The Host ini mungkin jugak akan difilemkan. Owh... Mungkin nanti boleh jadi bosan, macam cerita Twilight Saga(sorry kepada fans).

"It's not the face, but the expressions on it. It's not the voice, but what you say. It's not how you look in that body, but the things you do with it. You are beautiful"
"I, the soul named Wanderer, love you, human Ian and that will never change no matter what I might become. If I were a Dolphin or a Bear or a Flower, it wouldn't matter. I would always love you, always remember you. You will be my only partner."

Trust me, it’s worth reading this book, especially for those who seek for a romantic novel. Don’t hesitate to buy!! hahaha You might as well enjoy this video clip, a song by Biffy Clyro, Mountains. It’s a good song!!
oh. BTW, the above poem is Question by May Swenson.

“…I took a ride, I took a ride, I wouldn't go there without you.

Lets take a ride, we'll take a ride. I wouldn't leave here without you…

…Nothing lasts forever, except you and me…
…Love will last forever, between you and me…”


Ana said...

novel ke rupanyaaa???

Syafiq Abdullah said...


best kowt...nnt lu balek try bacer...