The story’s pretty awesome, the storyline’s good, and what’s next.. haha… The movie was pretty much straight at the beginning. They,Tom Cruise (Roy Miller) and Cameron Diaz (June) met at an airport in Wichita. Both of them were going to the same place, and they were on the same plane. The fun part started when Miller kill everyone in the plane, including the pilot, and June thought that was a joke, or a pickup line. But, when she knows the truth, everything became upside down. Somehow, Miller stays cool throughout the crisis, and he finally managed to save her, and drug her all the way to her home.
He left sticky notes all over her house to remind her on all things that she should do afterward. However, she’s accidentally caught by a bunch of federal agents that claim Miller as a rouge agent. Again, Miller had to save her, and it was awesome. All the car chase and the gunfight never bores me, though it seems typical on Hollywood movie. Maybe it’s because of Miller. His ‘coolness’ really caught my attention.
I guess I’ll tell you until the part where Miller’s conversation with one of the buyer was overheard by June. After that, she started to feel that Miller was the bad guy. Well, you can watch the rest of the movie. I guaranty that you’ll be satisfied by this movie. Go watch it at cinema, or buy a DVD or even download a copy of it from the internet.
Overall, the movie was not so ‘WOW’, but it’s still ‘ROCKS’. One thing for sure, sound system in MBO Cinema Kluang Parade was a total sucks. I wish I’d brought my headphones together. What were they thinking?! We were not deaf! I’m not an audiophile, but I certainly confidence that I can set the sound better better than anyone that control it there. Shit, I’ll surely ban that cinema!
p/s: I watched this movie just a few days after I watched The A-Team (rated 7.5/10 by IMDB) at Big Cinemas, Kluang. You DEFINITELY must watch it!!

“There is no plan B”…..Hell yesss!!